DR. Martin Luther King Jr Day
Hey Tommies, To day is a day to reflect on Dr. King's words. It is so hard as a Black family to think that anything has changed. Since then. Today while driving home from my childrens dr's appts, there was a 20 car line of "Guns Saves Life" stickers. Mind you these were people who don't look like me protesting about a Right To Bear Arms. When I can even get the same rights delivered to me just because of who I am. but yet I am supposed to be an Amercian citizen. It is hard to be a POC in the USA nowadays, what is sad is that I know that it was worst with my grand parents and their parent, and so far back. It sad that I can only go so far for back in to history because that my ancestors were consider property so there is not a proper paper trail. I find it sad that we ALL have melenin in OUR skin, ( Everyone has the same number of melanocytes, but some people make more melanin than others. If those cells make just a little bit of melanin, your hair , skin and th...